Filipino erotic movies

Filipino erotic movies . The movie is shot by Italian director Patri Piscata and features a cast of intense scenes featuring passionate sex with a range of intriguing and intimate locations. Shot in 1080p, the movie features a cast that includes some of Europe’s biggest stars, including reigning AVN Best Actress nominee Cali Carter, an international sensation known for her large breasts. Director Patri pinches those pink nipples, then makes his way over to the bed where he fingers and licks those succulent asses. Unsuspectingly hung Alberto Blanco watches from the back as he fucks Cali in different positions, and Cali moans in pleasure as Alberto thrusts into her from behind. She impales herself on his dick through an intense anal pounding, and then the scene ends with him shooting his cum all over Cali’s pretty pussy. Teaching hand job class

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