Sexy blue film adult

Sexy blue film adult DVD featuring a cast of charming brunette beauties. They are wearing sexy blue bikini lingerie and fishnet stockings. They are filming their first porn experience, and lucky Kai Sato is here to indulge them in his beautiful cock. The girls love to get fucked hard, and Kai loves the way they suck on his dick. The girls also use a vibrator while they stroke him off. They have fun with him, and Kai has a camera in hand to capture all their attention. The girls take turns sucking him off, and Kai licks and jerks Kai off while he fucks the girls doggystyle. The girls give Kai a blowjob as his dick gets deeper in each girl’s pussy. Kai then fucks both the girls doggystyle and missionary. Kai continues fucking the girls until he cums in both their mouths, Blowjob. Blonde girl in red fishnet stockings gets her mouth filled with cum

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