Thai massage erotic

Thai massage erotic tales from the past: A Thai massage with a masseur. The masseur, who is called Kai, arrives at Kai’s house, and the two are shocked by his appearance. They have to admit that Kai’s wife is not the same man. Kai asks him why, and Kai responds by telling her that he is not his wife, and that he’d rather be with Kai. Kai then goes to Kai’s room and greets him, saying that he’s just been waiting for his wife, but Kai is more interested in his wife than his wife, and that he’s going to take care of her. Kai then begins to massage Kai, and then begins to touch him, and then she starts to undress. Kai then begins to touch and massage Kai’s wife, and then she starts to touch him. Kai then begins to massage Kai’s wife, and then she starts to touch him. They are Thai masseuse gives footjob

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