Xxx sis story

Xxx sis story . I have a friend and I am going to be on my own with them for a long time. They are really good friends and I have a lot of fun with them. It is something I always have a little crush upon them all. I have a lot in common and I am very much in love with my girl because she has the body. Today I invited them back home and they were already so excited. The girls started kissing me and I can’t help but feel a little shy at first. They began kissing each other and I could not resist their gorgeous bodies. Soon, I felt my hard cock in between their tight pussies. They were so turned on they almost asked me to fuck them while they were licking my asshole. The girls loved every minute of it. They sucked my dick like crazy and I could not take it anymore. They had me fuck them right there on the living room couch until I came all over their beautiful face. What a hot girl Wanted a Cuddle Before Sex –

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